
God’s Breath

…a wind from God swept over the face of the waters!  

Love’s Breath exhaling, creates all time and space;
Stars and dust flowing outward towards life unconfined.
We are born and sustained in Holy Breath lifelong;
Never elsewhere but deep in the winds of this Love!

Gusts bear the wings of angels respiring,
Thrust in trust of exciting composure.
Our feet touch the ground in gravity transpiring;
We journey our being in the Exhale of Love!

 ‘Tis true that we know not from whence it comes;
Inspiring and Expiring in mystical rhythm.
The liminal mystery blows with imageless fury,
And invites us to conspire with all that there is.

 And when expansion seems to reach love’s limit,
It appears to retract and withdraw time into space;
But truly, is simply God’s holy Inhaling,
Breathing us back in Her Fathomless Love!

“Wisdom breathes life into her children and admonishes those who see her.
He who loves her loves life; those who seek her will be embraced by the Lord.” (SIR 4: 11-19)

8/28/2014 tpt

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