Category: Poetry



You woke me
Early this morning,
Though I did not
realize at first.

Led outside, I hear
the first birds
Of the pre-dawn
ready for the day.

So sudden
I feel that morning
Of long ago
Present now…

Your release,
Reentry Now,
Here, Now
Never leaves

Remaining and working
Freedom shining
through tears and toil
Bloom and breaking

A tightness in the chest
there in the Deep
between the stars
and the earth

The hollow calls
Yearning and holding
A treacherous chord
Such tender beguiling

‘Til the birds’ sweet chant
loosens so slightly
the dissonant wound
with upwelling tones

Letting it breathe
And unfolding
Strange new music
Daring the darkness                                                                tpt 3/12/21…


Turning Mary

Where wholeness parts
a stream there flows
forward, backward
inward, outward
circling in circling

Is this She?
The steadfast single one
who dresses none
Stripping all to intimacy…

Crossing over in steady fire
Transmuting sinews of soul
bearing new faces
Touch-me-nots torn from a fist

Wade in waiting
Running in realms
emerging in supple sobriety
Nothing lost
The new unnamed

Pregnant chastity
Alluring poverty
Reckless charity
All is womb!…






Alive is to grow
and die and birth

Human… to know
THAT we are alive

To love abundance
not as an observer

But by making love
Itself entrainment

To wake the dawn
in the new light

Where sight gives sway
to depths of trust

Acting in ways that
know only in faith

Going down deeper
to emergent rising

Stooping to levels
not seen but heard

As One pulse of novelty
vibrates inside darkness

Breaking sometimes gently
often painfully

Borders that protect
only insofar as they admit

Otherness that has somehow
already crossed inside

The stranger within that
risks life in death

Bearing true mind
in kindness of Heart

Embodying the soul
Shared wholly by all

Shall we place
each Other within?!


Like a Train in the Night

Trees clad in Summer garb nourish and muffle sounds that we cannot or will not hear – like a train in the night,

Mechanical movement in metal presses down on Rail-
Gravity in locomotion without living fire.

Still we sleep untroubled in hammocks unattached to trees –
swaying and rocking in the winds of illusion’s lullaby…

Resting in the numbness and dumbness of mistaken identities
that curl up inside whatever we believe.…


Light Birth

We sit darkened inside

Deep bodying, Still Being

Breathing, gasping

At phantoms of fate

Waiting, wondering

How nothing shines forth

As sparks of shadow

Glimmer in faint absence

Light is our god

But God is the night

Hiding entangled

In stars of the dark

Going to ground

To strike the stone

Eyes grow accustomed

To caves without exit

Facing all directions at once

There is no behind

Yet strangely we sense Someone

Other than self

Tpt 6/22/2019