
Star Stuff Apertures

“Are there really more atoms in my eye than stars in the universe?”

Star Stuff apertures
look to the night-sky…

Mother and Child
embrace as the dark

How comes this
strangely familiar…

Longing that grows
and refuses to die?

A cosmic coin
flipping forever,

Flashing and sparking,
waiting to land…

On a star whose light
has still to arrive.

Death holds its lantern
high over the child

Its ancient light sparkles
the eyes of a Newborn

‘Hide and Seek’
in mirroring Love

We wait and hope
in impatient darkness

Failing to see
She holds us dearly

Carrying us faster
and farther than Light!                             
tpt 12/31/2018

“…Reality itself, the supreme Thing we were trying to reach eluded us and with each new analysis continued
to move even further away, just as the light moves further away from a person who is chasing its reflection.”          
      -Teilhard de Chardin  SCIENCE AND CHRIST, 1921.

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